Dynamic media & Collaborative Remixability

This article is in response to "Remix and Remixability".

First of let me say, Hes Right. Lev's article along with others I've been reading lately really highlight what i think web 2.0 and indeed the future of the Internet is (or at least should be) all about! Initially whilst reading i did begin to worry that this could be the end of original content, an idea which was almost instantly dismissed because while remixing existing material together is all good, its even better when its mashed up with work you've shot or developed. So the next big thought was , where does that leave static designers. In a world where everything is modular & just add ons to something else designers unable to adapt & change with the times will slowly be phased out as there "clients" realise they cant deliver to the new standard. Likewise the current copyright/licencing scheme would fail in this new environment and while this has already been admitted by :some: there are :others: who are going in the entirely wrong direction. personally i embrace it, sure it means things will change but that's half the fun of it, taking what you have and making something new and pushing it out there into the big wide web. for people to see, think about, tag, comment on, and ultimately reuse i  one way or another.

Every things original & most are a copy.

Real Life Interaction

The Get Away

"The Get Away" follows the robbers process to attempt escape from the scene of the crime in there virtual enviroment. The process highlights and demonstrates many aspects of virtual enviroments.

Lurking in the Shadows + Review

Today i found some other blog sites that are kinda relevant to some of the work ive presented.


This blog discusses virtual worlds and environments (mainly second life) that they are involved in. A few days ago they had there largest in-world and web audience to date for one of there virtual events in Second Life.


This blog discusses the upcoming PS3 title Little Big Plant. It covers the games innovative features. The game also features Social networking environments with the ability to share and discuss others work.


This is a pretty cool website that looks at 3d modeling. Its got a ton of links to a whole range of different modeling apps as well as tutorials and peoples work.


During the corse of the project I followed many of my fellow students blogs that i found intresting.
There were a lot of people focising on gaming and virtual enviroment which mand it very easy to get involved and stay intrested.


I found that there is a good cross sectin of students intrested in almost ever aspect of digital design and a strong community willing to work togeather and support each other with help and positive feed back.